
The AIDA_pastSetReplacementTable function set or queries a table with parameters whose values shall be replaced with values given by the environment when restoring a stack from a configuration file (AIDA_hRestoreStack or AIDA_hRestoreStackEx).

const AIDA_tstReplacementTableEntry *AIDA_pastSetReplacementTable(
  handle hStack,
  const AIDA_tstReplacementTableEntry *pastReplacementTable


Handle to a stack previously created by AIDA_hCreateStack, AIDA_hCreateStackEx, AIDA_hRestoreStack, AIDA_hRestoreStackRaw or AIDA_hRestoreStackEx.
Points to an array of AIDA_tstReplacementTableEntry structures containing the replacement definition. Each entry of this table defines a parameter of which the value has to be replaced by a value given in the environment. The name of the environment variable containing the replacement value is also given within this structure. The table is terminated with an entry where xsEnvVarName is set to NULL.
The value of the environment variable is parsed as string, dword, long or floating point value depending on the type of the given parameter.
To query the current replacement table without modifying it set this parameter to NULL.

Return Values

AIDA_pastSetReplacementTable returns a pointer to the current table on success. This table must not be modified by the application.

If an error occurs the function returns NULL. The application can retrieve the error code using AIDA_iGetError.


The function creates a copy of the table passed by the application so that the application is free to modify or delete the original table after the function returns.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Linux: Requires a kernel supporting ELF binaries.
  Header: Declared in bsk_aida.h, also requires portab.h.
  Import Library (Windows): Use BSK_AIDA.lib.

See Also

AIDA Overview, AIDA Functions, AIDA_hCreateStack, AIDA_hCreateStackEx, AIDA_boDeleteStack, AIDA_boSaveStack, AIDA_hRestoreStack, AIDA_hRestoreStackRaw, AIDA_hRestoreStackEx, AIDA_bAddToStack, AIDA_boRemoveFromStack, AIDA_xsComponentName