AIDA KWP1281CAN Component

The KWP1281CAN component works closely together with the TP 1.6 component.

General Information

The KWP1281CAN component uses the timing parameters T1TST, T1ECU and T4ECU of the TP 1.6 component.


Specifies the maximum block size on transmission (excluding block end marker). As only one byte is available for the length information, this parameter cannot be greater than 255.
Specifies the number of consecutive erroneous data blocks to stop the communication with the ECU.
Specifies the address used for wakeup of the ECU. It consists of a 7 bit value with odd parity. A violation of this parity requirement is possible e.g. for testing if the ECU checks the parity.
Specifies the number of retries for waking up the ECU.


If communication has been started, automatic idle communication is done using T1ECU/2 or T4ECU/2 timing, depending if fast or slow Data Direction Change is required. Idle communication of the TP 1.6 component should be switched off.

See Also

AIDA Overview, list of AIDA components