
The AIDA_boGetSeedForApplicationAuthentication function returns a seed to be used for the later authentication of the application by the BSK_AIDA.dll.
Precondition is that previously AIDA_boLoadLicenseFile() has been called successfully.

bool AIDA_boGetSeedForApplicationAuthentication(
  byte pbSeed[AIDA_nApplicationAuthenticationSeedLength]


The buffer for the generated seed.

Return Values

AIDA_boGetSeedForApplicationAuthentication returns true only if the seed generation is successful. In this case pbSeed contains the generated random seed.

If the function fails, the returned value is false. The application can retrieve the error code using AIDA_iGetError(). Possible licensing-specific error codes set by this function are:
  EOSAL_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND: The license file could not be found or the access was denied. AIDA_boLoadLicenseFile() has not been called successfully before.
  EOSAL_LICENSE_INVALID: The licence signature or the licence file name are invalid. AIDA_boLoadLicenseFile() has not been called successfully before.
  EOSAL_BAD_CONFIGURATION: The license file does not contain all required data.
  EOSAL_LICENSE_EXPIRED: The licence file is expired.
  EOSAL_APPL_OR_PIMOD_NOT_LICENSED: AIDA is not licensed for the calling application. AIDA_boLoadLicenseFile() has not been called successfully before.


The application must use the returned seed together with its own secret key to calculate the MD5 digest using a function like MD5_vCalc(), which afterwards has to be conveyed to the BSK_AIDA.dll for authentication by calling AIDA_boAuthenticateApplication().


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Linux: Requires a kernel supporting ELF binaries.
  Header: Declared in bsk_aida.h, also requires portab.h.
  Import Library (Windows): Use BSK_AIDA.lib.

See Also

AIDA Overview, AIDA Stacks Licensing/Authentication Overview, AIDA Functions
Other Licensing/Authentication Functions: AIDA_boLoadLicenseFile, AIDA_boGetLicenseInfo, AIDA_boAuthenticateApplication
Directly Affected Stack Manipulation Functions: AIDA_hCreateStack, AIDA_hCreateStackEx, AIDA_hRestoreStack, AIDA_hRestoreStackRaw, AIDA_hRestoreStackEx, AIDA_bAddToStack