
The AIDA_hsGetPlainErrMsg function returns the last error message. This function only exists in an ANSI version.

char *AIDA_hsGetPlainErrMsg(
  int iError


Error code to get a plain text description for.

Return Values

AIDA_hsGetPlainErrMsg returns a pointer to a plain text error message for a given error code. In contrast to AIDA_hsGetErrMsg returns a text without the leading "AIDA: ".


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Linux: Requires a kernel supporting ELF binaries.
  Header: Declared in bsk_aida.h, also requires portab.h.
  Import Library (Windows): Use BSK_AIDA.lib.

See Also

AIDA Overview, AIDA Functions, AIDA_vSetError, AIDA_iGetError, AIDA_hsGetErrMsg