AIDA Filter Component

The Filter component implements filtering of events according to their source and/or destination ID.

The component can be parametrized to block events matching a filter rule and let pass the rest or to let pass only events matching a filter rule and block the rest.

Several parameters marked with an unique number ('XXX') together form a filter rule. The parameters used to specify an acceptance code or acceptance mask are split into a low and a high part since IDs are 64 bit wide. If a filter rule is activated, events with a valid Source/Destination ID meeting the condition:

(AcceptanceCode & AcceptanceMask) == (<EventID> & AcceptanceMask)
are considered as matching a filter rule.


Specifies the overall operating mode of this Filter component. It controls what to do with events, which don't match at least one of the filter rules.
Implicitly it also controls what to do with the events matching, as of course their treatment is inverted.
inactive   No filtering is applied, all events can pass.
pass All events can pass, except those complying with at least one of the following filter rules.
block All events are blocked, except those complying with at least one of the following filter rules.
Specifies how events without any valid source or destination ID are treated.
no match   No special treatment for these events, the GeneralPolicy is applied.
match These events are considered as matching a filter rule.
pass Events without any valid source or destination ID can pass.
block Events without any valid source or destination ID are blocked.
Specifies how long the component waits for the component below to finish the transmission. Units used are ms. This value became obsolete with Versions 1.1.7 and higher!
Specifies the operating mode of filter rule XXX.
0x00000000UL   The filter rule is inactive, no events match.
0x00000001UL   Received events are checked according to the AcceptanceCode and AcceptanceMask settings of this particular filter rule.
The higher 32 bits of the acceptance code the event destination address should be compared with.
The higher 32 bits of the acceptance mask. The bitmask specifies which parts of the event destination address to compare with the acceptance code.
The lower 32 bits of the acceptance code the event destination address should be compared with.
The lower 32 bits of the acceptance mask. The bitmask specifies which parts of the event destination address to compare with the acceptance code.
The higher 32 bits of the acceptance code the event source address should be compared with.
The higher 32 bits of the acceptance mask. The bitmask specifies which parts of the event source address to compare with the acceptance code.
The lower 32 bits of the acceptance code the event source address should be compared with.
The lower 32 bits of the acceptance mask. The bitmask specifies which parts of the event source address to compare with the acceptance code.

See Also

AIDA Overview, list of AIDA components