
The AIDA_pstCloneEvent function creates a copy of an already existing AIDA event.

AIDA_tstEvent *AIDA_pstCloneEvent(
  AIDA_tstEvent *pstEvent


A pointer to an event either created by the application or by the AIDA system.

Return Values

AIDA_pstCloneEvent returns a pointer to the copy of the original event in case of success.

If the event could not be cloned the function returns NULL. The application can retrieve the error code using AIDA_iGetError.


AIDA_pstCloneEvent does not check for the validity of the parameters in the parameter attachment as AIDA_boAttachParam does.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Linux: Requires a kernel supporting ELF binaries.
  Header: Declared in bsk_aida.h, also requires portab.h.
  Import Library (Windows): Use BSK_AIDA.lib.

See Also

AIDA Overview, AIDA Functions, AIDA_pstCreateEvent, AIDA_pstCreateEventEx, AIDA_boSetEventID, AIDA_boDeleteEvent, AIDA_boSendEvent, AIDA_pstReceiveEvent, AIDA_boWaitEvent, AIDA_boSetEventTypes, AIDA_boGetEventTypes